Saturday, March 3, 2012

Welcome to March!

As I mentioned in a prior post, I'm planning on doing a theme month this month, which means that I will be reading books in a specific genre. Since I've been reading so much romance, I'm going to deviate from that theme only a little bit, & will be reading UF & PNR. These two genres are quite similar. Typically, the UF genre has less romance, and each book does not necessarily have an HEA. PNR series tend to focus on different couples in each book, with an HEA for each book, and the series will be set in the same world.

I have a long list of books that I will be reading, and at some point in the next couple of days, I'll set up a widget on the right side of the blog to identify them. Right now I am reading:

This is the first in the series, and seems to lean UF over PNR.

I've also finished:


The Kresley Cole series, Immortals After Dark, is definitely PNR. I've read 5 of them, and have one more ready to read on my kindle. I'll probably do a separate IAD post to discuss all of them, with mini-reviews about the series as a whole.

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