Thursday, July 5, 2012

Grave Mercy by R.L. LaFevers

Grave Mercy (His Fair Assassin, #1)I have decided that I am not going to do plot summaries on my reviews anymore, because I am just that kind of a rebel. And, because they are boring to write and to read. If you want a plot summary, the author has kindly provided one on the book page.

Now, who is this R.L. LaFevers who wrote this book, and where has she been all my life? I see from looking at her backlist that she has written two separate middle grade series. This book is targeted toward an older, late YA audience, but if her other books are as enjoyable as this one, I'm prepared to give them a try.

I really liked this book. In spite of the cover, which does a poor job communicating how unique this book is (don't get me wrong, the cover is lovely. But it looks like every other YA paranormal cover with a pretty girl in a ballgown standing about looking fabulous). For starters, it is set in Breton, in the 15th century, and is very much a piece of historical fiction. In addition, the main character, Ismaie, is a nun. A nun who is also an assassin. Which is awesome.

The main character, therefore, is a treat. Her romantic interest, Gavriel Duval, is also a treat. Ismaie is tough as nails, knows 300 ways to kill a man (or a woman) and is doing the work of her god, Mortain, the god of death. She is well versed in the subtle art of the poisoner, is capable of freeing a man's soul from his body with the prick of a blade, and is a protector of Breton's independence and freedom. There is lots of court intrigue, and more than a spot of treachery. This book will appeal to anyone who enjoys historical fiction, and has enough magic to satisfy the YA reader who likes a good paranormal romance. It is a genuinely genre-busting read. Can't wait for the sequel.

4 1/2 of 5 stars.

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