Overall, I really enjoyed it. It is set in Seattle, Washington, which is, of course, about 4 hours north of my kitchen table, where this review is being written. There are good guys and bad guys: the Nightfury dragon clan is the good guys, while the Razorbacks are the bad guys. The basic premise of the book is that the dragon shifters, who stay under the radar of human society, are all male and lack the ability to produce dragon females through reproduction. This means that, in order to reproduce, they must mate with humans. Unfortunately, as sort of a cosmic joke on the dragons, human females always die while bearing dragon young. The world building is interesting and I really liked the author's use of the energy concept.
The heroine of the book is Myst Munroe, a nurse practitioner who is first to the scene when a patient gives birth to her half-dragon son. Caroline dies during the birthing process. Myst is taken, along with the baby, to the lair of the Nightfury dragons, where she bonds with the leader, Bastian. She is an exceptionally strong human female, and becomes the subject of a tug of war between Bastian and Ivar, the leader of the Razorbacks. Ivar has big, and not very friendly, plans for humanity.
A number of the reviews on amazon suggested that this book is very similar to the Black Dagger Brotherhood, written by J.R. Ward, and that this detracted from the reader's pleasure in the story. I haven't read BDB, so I can't speak to that. I did thoroughly enjoy this first in a series. Bastian is a very powerful hero, and Myst is no shrinking violet. Their mating was convincing. The dragon males are all, of course, fiercly masculine warriors who are highly attractive to the women they use for feeding and mating.
The book is well-written and well-edited, as well. I noticed very few proofing errors. The dialogue is convincing, and the characters are complex enough to be individually interesting. Ms. Callahan introduced a number of interesting secondary characters: Rikar, Angela Keene, and Forge, all of whom I expect to see again in future novels. Overall, I'd rate it 4 stars. I've already pre-ordered book 2:
which is scheduled for release on June 5.
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