Sunday, February 12, 2012

Review: Nice Girls Don't Have Fangs

So, I flippin' love Molly Harper.

Why do I love Molly Harper? Well, because she names her books things like "Nice Girls Don't Have Fangs" and "How to Flirt with a Naked Werewolf." And she is funny. Like, sitting in my favorite reading chair and laughing out loud making my husband think I am crazy funny.

I've read two of her books -- this one, and the aforementioned:

I loved them both, although I must say that I loved the werewolf book just a tiny bit more.

So, without providing a plot summary, which anyone can get by taking a look at the product description, besides the fact that I think Molly Harper is hilarious, what is so great about this book?

I love Jane, the good-girl-turned-into-a-vampire. I loved the H, who is her vampire sire, and who is one seriously sexy vamp. I especially loved the secondary characters: Jane's best friend is terrific, and the secondary plot related to his romance is very nice. Jane's family is delightfully awful. Her mother is a monumental pain in the ass, and her sister is even worse.

I did figure out what was going on with Jane substantially before Jane did, so in that sense, I did see the plot twist coming. But it was so much fun getting there, that I didn't really care. Plus, a lighthearted PNR is a refreshing change from all of the angst, darkness and dramatic mate claiming that so often is the point of this type of book. 4 stars.

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